A Glimpse Inside My Studio

Here's a little peak inside my workplace.

Sometimes it's organized and tidy, and sometimes it looks like a tornado passed over my desk.

When I'm dreaming up new ideas and sketching designs, I like my desk completely tidy. When I'm in the midst of making lots of jewelry, I flourish in organized chaos.

A few home studio essentials:

  • Pegboard- this is a life saver. It keeps all of my tools in arm's length and I can change it up at any time.
  • Idea Notebook & Planner- necessary for any creative types. A few favorites: 1/2/3/4
  • Filing System- I keep all of my receipts organized in this and have a separate notebook for orders
  • Washi Tape- I use this tape for e v e r y t h i n g. You can buy some on Amazon.
  • Magazine Inspiration-KinfolkDarlingCereal